As a “Social entrepreneur”, yes that green tree hugging type of entrepreneur that more often ends up scamming themselves, You are most always on the lookout for opportunities that serve two purposes:

  • First is to lift the dregs of society, yes “those people”, out of the rut created by the race of the rats, in which case you have to get your hands dirty and also get used to the smell.
  • and second is to make lots of profit while you go at it.

Being an “opportunist”, every single challenge or problem encountered is an opportunity. This comes with its own “problem”, how do you sift through all the ideas that flow through the cracks in order to find the few that truly serve the interests of the community while serving our wallets?

The bright idea is to build an community to work together to serve communities anywhere and everywhere we can, while also turning a profit.

In the days ahead, I will be posting the opportunities abounding and surrounding my locality, of which we can inspect and dissect in order to develop them into viable business enterprises (at least on paper), and getting them financed communally.

Thanks for your time.


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